2016. szeptember 28.

Áder János köztársasági elnök részvéttávirata Reuven Rivlinnek, Izrael Állam elnökének Simon Peresz halála miatt (angol nyelven)

His Excellency Mr. Reuven Rivlin
President of the State of Israel

Budapest, 28 September 2016

Your Excellency,

I have learned with deep sorrow of the passing away of former President Shimon Peres. On this sad occasion, allow me to extend my heartfelt condolences to you, the family of the deceased and the people of the State of Israel.

Your nation has lost an outstanding political leader and a great visionary who dedicated his whole life to the cause of Israel, and worked hard on ensuring the prosperity of its people and securing long lasting peace between them and their neighbours. As President and Prime Minister he was a true statesman, who led his nation with perseverance even in difficult times of history.

I have the honour to reassure you that Hungary will remain a reliable partner of the State of Israel in pursuing the ideals of Shimon Peres to establish genuine peace in the Middle East and to strengthen human and economic development in Israel as well as in the whole of the region.

Please accept, Excellency, the expression of my highest consideration.

János Áder
President of the Republic of Hungary